
Chrome extension helps you debug Goggle Analytics configuration

If you use Google Analytics to measure traffic and activity on your website, once you start customizing the tracker code, use the asynchronous tracker, or do more complicated tracking it can be hard to verify that your changes have worked.  The asynchronous tracker won’t necessarily emit any js errors and you can’t always waitio see

Chrome extension helps you debug Goggle Analytics configuration Read More »

Google using SPDY protocol

 Google’s approach to speeding up the web, explained by Kimsall below, is in stark contrast to Microsoft’s approach to trying to dominate the web 12 years ago. Google’s approach can cut  pageload times about in half, and can really help large and complicated sites that make a lot of requests.  There’s already a proof-of-concept SPDY

Google using SPDY protocol Read More »

Server Upgrade: OS basics

Debian AMD64 Setup My Linux distribution of choice is Debian, although for the desktop I’d recommend Ubuntu. The server was first setup using the unofficial debian64 repositories. Since the amd64 architecture is now officially part of Debian, we moved to using an official repository. see Google groups. An unofficial repository contains /debian-amd64/ like so: #deb

Server Upgrade: OS basics Read More »