Sanctimonious Parent Group Points out the Obvious

Sometimes CNN is funnier than the Onion, as illustratated by this story about a shocking revelation by a TV watchdog group. The Parents Television Council issued a study finding that CSI is the least family-friendly show on TV. Well – no fricking duh, Einstein. Last time I checked it didn’t look like it was geared towards Families per se. They don’t sing " _fcksavedurl="">shocking revelation by a TV watchdog group. The Parents Television Council issued a study finding that CSI is the least family-friendly show on TV. Well – no fricking duh, Einstein. Last time I checked it didn’t look like it was geared towards Families per se. They don’t sing "I cut you, you cut me, …" during autopsies and they don’t dress in Pastels either.! Its a crime investigation show – the subject matter is going to be heavy because most criminals aren’t nice people.

Unfortunately, its groups like these that are helping absolve parents of any responsibility for raising their children. They’ve put into a lot of gullible people’s heads the wrong idea about what being a parent means. It does not mean that you protect your children from the big, nasty world they live in as much as you can. A good parent is one who teaches their children right from wrong and how to make good choices in life.