
George R.R. Martin Q&A

If you pre-ordered a Dance with Dragons like me, you might also be waiting for it to be delivered. While you internally debate the value of thriftiness in pre-ordering it (48% off!) versus more immediate gratification, you can instead read this spolier-free Q&A interview with George R.R. Martin about the book and the rest his

George R.R. Martin Q&A Read More »

Chrome extension helps you debug Goggle Analytics configuration

If you use Google Analytics to measure traffic and activity on your website, once you start customizing the tracker code, use the asynchronous tracker, or do more complicated tracking it can be hard to verify that your changes have worked.  The asynchronous tracker won’t necessarily emit any js errors and you can’t always waitio see

Chrome extension helps you debug Goggle Analytics configuration Read More »

The vested interests in doom

Though, really you should go read the paragraph that follows. Today, infected by Malthusian ecology, the Left relentlessly preaches millennial doom and technological risk: the climate is heading for catastrophe; resources are running out; population is growing too fast; farming cannot keep up; habitat is being destroyed; poverty, hunger, pollution, disease and greed are only

The vested interests in doom Read More »