O’s fans protest

So full up front discolure –  I’m not a baseball fan by any strech.  Partially for two reasons, my only memory of professional baseball when I was younger is that it would throw a giant monkey wrench into my afternoon TV watching habits.  Also, I was a terrible player during my little league career, mostly

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New Server!

Last week, I moved this blog, email, and other sites including Soccer Blogs, to a newer, more powerful server. The database is mauve, which Sandy tells me is the best color for a database. You should notice its a lot peppier – about 100% peppier, than the old server which was beginning to show its

New Server! Read More »

Oppose DOPA

Please take 5 minutes to let your legislators know that you oppose Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA).  Like much legislation with a why would you oppose it type name, the bill is overreaching and censors legitimate speech. Cutting off social networking’s legitimate uses is bad enough, but DOPA also gives the FCC wide latitude to

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