
Lies in Arizona.

Wow!  Arizona politicians are using outright lies and exageration to justify their crackdown on border security.  I'm glad I've never visited Arizona, and at this rate I never will. Brewer's mindlessness about headlessness is just one of the immigration falsehoods being spread by Arizona politicians. Border violence on the rise? Phoenix becoming the world's No.

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A surge in citizenship

The anti-immigrant sentiment of the mid 90s, as the Republicans were in ascension, motivated our family to stop procrastinating and become U.S. citizens. History is repeating itself again. Number of Mexicans gaining citizenship soars in 2007 – Los Angeles Times The number of Mexican-born immigrants who became U.S. citizens swelled by nearly 50% last year

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Your papers please…

Note to self – renew US Passport and carry it everywhere I go. Also, stay out of Maricopa County. Lawman’s raids on immigrants spark fury in Phoenix | U.S. | Reuters Arpaio dispatches teams of sheriff’s deputies into Hispanic communities where they stop people and arrest anyone who cannot prove he or she is a

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Stopping Immigrants more important than the Environment, Diplomacy

From The Price Tag for Immigration Enforcement, the crackdown on immigrants is only going to get more expensive next year. The Department of Homeland Security is asking for a 19% increase for “immigratin enforcement and border control for 2009”. Just this year, the budgets for Customs and Border Protection (CBP)and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

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The cost of Illegal immigration

The Congressional Budget office released a report on the costs of illegal immigration for state and local governments [HT: Marginal Revolution]  Unfortunately, the report is only available as a PDF file, but its not overyly long, approximately 13 pages in length.  It estmiates the spending by state and local governments due to undocumented immigrants in

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