Voyager vs Smartphones
Perceptive and made me chuckle. Meanwhile my smartphone will be lucky to survive 34 months, and is only able to receive commands from Earth if I hold it out of an upstairs window… Source
Perceptive and made me chuckle. Meanwhile my smartphone will be lucky to survive 34 months, and is only able to receive commands from Earth if I hold it out of an upstairs window… Source
And yet, I’m sure countless parents will rather trust their own anecdotal experience. Let’s cut to the chase: sugar doesn’t make kids hyper. There have been at least twelvetrials of various diets investigating different levels of sugar in children’s diets. That’s more studies than are often done on drugs. None of them detected any differences in behavior between
Anyone who can work in two in-context Monty Python references deserves to be read. By the way, while Wall Street may be responsible for bad things, it is Wall Street who financed putting a million miles of fiber optic cables crisscrossing continents and under oceans. It is Wall Street that financed the thousands of cell
While its hard to read the press release from the World Health organization below and make any sense of the tortured language, it basically says that while food is the main source of BPA exposure, the science as to its effects is inconclusive. Also, BPA is eliminated from the body rather quickly. Was it a
We've done a number of energy-efficiency projects at our house over the last year. While it may help us lowering our own energy costs and usage, it'd be naive to think that it'll decrease overall energy consumption. Harry Saunders has done the research to explain this effect, know as "the rebound effect". Varying degrees of
The Breakthrough Institute: Why Energy Efficiency Does not Decrease Energy Consumption Read More »
If you read one article about the ingredients in Vaccines today, it should be this one. While it starts out as a bit of a rant, I did learn about the importance of dosages of supposedly harmful ingredients. And, some of these “toxic chemicals”, including NaCl, are in other everyday things that you may already
You don’t need to convince me that babies are more aware/intelligent than we give them credit for. They have to synthesize and absorb a lot of information to make sense of their world. And then, one morning, they surprise you by spontaneously saying “water” when you’re refilling the dog’s dish. Inside the baby mind –
Richard Dawkins, in reviewing the Intelligent Design film “Expelled”, states a positon on Darwinism that I’d never seen before, but it makes a heap of rational sense. As I have often said before, as a scientist I am a passionate Darwinian. But as a citizen and a human being, I want to construct a society
You may not be aware of it, but someone has spent twenty-some million dollars to build a Creation Museum. I hope you take the time to read and enjoy John Scalzi’s report about his trip to this shrine to creationsim as much as I did – especially the part about vegeterian dinosaurs. It’s one thing
Its good to read that the UK Goverment sees no place for the chicanery that is Intelligent Design in its school’s science curriculum. It has also defined "Intelligent Design", the idea that life is too complex to have arisen without the guiding hand of a greater intelligence, as a religion, along with "creationism".