
Open Immigration, its not just for the affluent

Philippe Legrain, who despite his first name is apparently British not French, is an economist/journalist who offers a perspective on immigration that you don’t hear lately.  The case against immigration in the US is based on fear, and racisim/xenophobia, covered in a veneer of economic half-truths.  Legrain spent six months researching immigration policies, and his

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White House staff eschew official email channels

Apparently, some White House staffers have decided that the Legislative branch of our Government is more of a threat than foreign spies, crackers, and terrorist.  To avoid leaving a trail of subpoen-able and incriminating emails, they set up their own unsecured, non-government email servers.  Its a practice officially banned by other federal agencies.  The whole

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OpenCongress in beta

Someone does Government 2.0 style – OpenCongress is live, complete with "Beta" sunsplash thingy and a few gray gradients.  This, along with The Open House Project, seem to be built on top of the data provided by govtrack.us.  Will it make a difference?  Will you use it to track any issue, industries, or your local

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Oppose DOPA

Please take 5 minutes to let your legislators know that you oppose Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA).  Like much legislation with a why would you oppose it type name, the bill is overreaching and censors legitimate speech. Cutting off social networking’s legitimate uses is bad enough, but DOPA also gives the FCC wide latitude to

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